Migration Code of Conduct &
Consumer Guide
Code of Conduct
The Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) regulates the migration profession in Australia. The MARA is a division of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
The MARA aims to regulate the profession, help consumers who use Registered Migration Agents (RMAs) and maintain high standards of knowledge, ethics, and professionalism in the migration advice profession. All persons who provide migration advice for a fee are subject to this strict Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct is also available from the MARA website at www.mara.gov.au
Konnecting Pty Ltd is an extremely ethical organisation and strictly adheres to this Code.
We also adhere to the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) Professional Code of Ethics, Practice & Conduct. See MIA website for more details
Consumer guide
(formerly IRMAP)
The MARA produce a document which has information about the migration profession, the functions of the MARA, legislation regulating the profession, what a client can reasonably expect from a migration agent, and the complaints process.
This is called the Consumer Guide (previously, Information on the Regulation of the Migration Advice Profession, or IRMAP).
RMAs are required to provide a copy of this document after agreeing to perform work for the client.
This is also available on the MARA website at www.mara.gov.au